Fees and Invoicing

Management fees, are assessed based on the content of the proposal, and therefore vary from project to project. You should discuss fees with your RDC analyst once your proposal is approved. The RDC cannot provide an estimate of fees without an approved proposal. Please see below for our rates for setup and each mode of access.

If you have additional questions regarding fees, please contact rdca@cdc.gov.

Service TypeFeeUnitDescription
  • All researchers pay RDC management fees
  • Complex projects that take more time, need special handling, or require a custom file format may require more than a day to setup
  • Will be applied for transferring your data across modes of access (e.g. from remote access to Census RDC) if not specified in the approved proposal
  • May be assessed when an additional merge is requested (e.g. adding a new restricted variable or survey cycle)
On Site Access300.00Day
  • Maximum of ten consecutive days
  • Full day charged for any fraction of the day
Remote Access750.00Month
  • Full month charged for any fraction of the month
  • Full day charged for any fraction of the day
Census RDCPlease contact the Census RDC to receive an estimate.


Special Notes:

CDC employees and contractors should check the RDC intranet site for details about fees

Agencies that provide funds to support NCHS data systems or sponsor survey supplements may have a $3,000 waiver. Researchers should contact their agency's point of contact with NCHS to apply for a waiver. At the time of proposals submission you must reference your waiver as a funding source. You will be required to show documentation before you access the data.

Groups sponsored by Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) can only use NCHS RDC- Washington, DC Location. These groups must list "ASPE sponsored" as the funding source in the proposal. For more information, contact ASPE.

Users of data hosted by the RDC should read the hosted data page for details about fees. The DHHS restricted page provides a complete list of hosted data products.


Payment Options


Checks and money orders

Make checks payable to:

DHHS for Statistical Services

  • Personal checks must have the invoice number and Social Security number.
  • Institutional checks must have the invoice number and institutional EIN (Tax ID).
  • Payment must be received no later than the scheduled start date.
  • Payments should be mailed to the address on the invoice.

The RDC is not responsible for payments that get lost in the mail. Unless you can verify that the payment was delivered to NCHS, you will not be able to access the data without payment. We recommend using a delivery service to assure that your check reaches us.


Inter-Agency Agreements

Inter-Agency Agreements must be processed by June 30th. For more information, please contact your RDC Analyst or rdca@cdc.gov.


The RDC does not give refunds but may provide credit for future RDC services, depending on the circumstances. You will not be penalized for requesting multiple invoices on a project.



