Test Your Memory
Ready to show what you know?
Pick the right answer from our list of three and see if you've got all the facts about rabies.
- What causes rabies?
- a worm
- a virus
- a bacteria
- Which of these animals can get rabies?
- a frog
- an alligator
- a bat
- What should you do if you are bitten by an animal?
- put a bandage on the bite and wait to see if you start to feel bad
- wash out the bite really well and go to the doctor
- take your temperature every hour
- If you see an animal that is acting strangely, what should you do?
- call your local animal control officer to catch and help the animal
- try to catch it to see if you can help
- just walk away
- One of these answers WON´T help keep your pet protected from rabies. Which one?
- getting the rabies vaccine
- making sure your pet doesn´t have a chance to be bitten by a wild animal
- wearing a tag with their name and your address
- Rabies is spread by:
- saliva
- blood
- tears
- If someone is bitten by an animal with rabies, how long before rabies develops?
- one or two days
- one or two weeks
- one or two months
- While you were visiting this web site, how many people died from rabies?
- 0
- 1
- 10
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