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Factors in Placement and Enrollment of Primary Care Patients in YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, Bronx, New York, 2010–2015


Figure. Distribution of weight change among 287 Montefiore Health System patients enrolled in the New York State YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program, 2011–2015.

Weight Change, % No. of Patients
−11.5 2
–11.0 3
–10.5 3
–10.0 0
–9.5 4
–9.0 2
–8.5 10
–8.0 8
–7.5 6
–7.0 9
–6.5 16
–6.0 11
–5.5 10
–5.0 8
–4.5 9
–4.0 16
–3.5 16
–3.0 23
–2.5 27
–2.0 23
–1.5 28
–1.0 19
–0.5 9
0.0 11
0.5 0
1.0 5
1.5 2
2.0 2
2.5 1
3.0 3
3.5 1

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