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Recruiting Community Partners for Veggie Van: Strategies and Lessons Learned From a Mobile Market Intervention in North Carolina, 2012–2015


A total of 53 community sites were contacted. Of these, we received no response from 13, leaving 40 sites with whom we had an interest meeting (via telephone, email, or in person). Of these 40, 13 were deemed ineligible and 7 became unreachable. We collected interest forms from 20 communities, 8 did not obtain adequate interest, leaving 12 communities to be randomly assigned to the study. Six were assigned to the delayed intervention control group, and 6 were assigned to the intervention group. All 6 communities assigned to the intervention group received immediate VV program implementation, but only 4 of the 6 assigned to the delayed intervention control group received VV after the control period.

Figure 1. Recruitment and randomization of community sites, Veggie Van Mobile Market Intervention, North Carolina, 2012–2015.

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Figure 2. Timelines associated with each phase of site recruitment, by site number, Veggie Van Mobile Market Intervention, North Carolina, 2012–2015. Abbreviations: MOU, memorandum of understanding; NA, not applicable.

Site First Contact to MOU Participant Enrollment and Randomizaiton VV Launch Prepration
No. of Days
1 62 105 353
2 143 89 87
3 116 169 70
4 226 64 NA
5 99 78 187
6 78 49 399
7 114 167 NA
8 390 100 92
9 589 85 72
10 288 91 238
11 392 71 85
12 55 92 182

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