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Cigarette Smoking and Prostate Cancer Mortality in Four US States, 1999–2010


Figure. Trends in cigarette smoking and prostate cancer mortality rates among men aged 35 years or older, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and CDC WONDER, 1999–2010. Solid lines represent trends in the weighted prevalence of cigarette smoking among men aged 35 years or older, and dashed lines represent trends in age-adjusted prostate cancer mortality rates for men aged 35 years or older. Abbreviation: CDC WONDER, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research.

Year Weighted Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking, % Age-Adjusted Prostate Cancer Mortality Rate (per 100,000)
California Kentucky Maryland Utah California Kentucky Maryland Utah
1999 19.9 31.7 20.9 14.8 56.1 65.7 68.4 64.2
2000 18.8 30.8 20.9 11.4 53.8 64.0 62.5 54.9
2001 18.3 29.0 23.4 14.4 51.0 53.6 62.7 59.1
2002 18.8 33.8 21.3 13.5 51.8 55.9 62.4 57.1
2003 18.7 31.5 21.7 14.3 49.5 53.5 57.9 55.5
2004 15.6 28.2 20.2 10.3 48.2 53.5 57.5 48.8
2005 16.5 28.2 18.2 12.6 48.1 53.6 51.4 48.6
2006 16.6 26.6 15.8 9.0 44.5 52.5 51.8 55.7
2007 15.0 25.2 16.2 13.1 45.4 48.8 52.4 57.2
2008 15.8 24.1 14.0 11.1 43.6 46.7 49.5 50.2
2009 14.5 24.0 13.9 10.2 43.7 43.8 48.0 39.8
2010 12.8 23.7 15.6 9.4 41.4 42.3 43.6 51.4

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