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How Tobacco Quitline Callers in 38 US States Reported Hearing About Quitline Services, 2010–2013


Figure 1. Number of quitline “how heard abouts” (HHAs) by quarter and category, 38 states, National Quitline Data Warehouse, 2010–2013. The Tips campaign aired for 12 weeks from March 19, 2012, to June 10, 2012. In 2013, the campaign was conducted for 16 weeks (10 on-air weeks and 6 off-air weeks) from March 4, 2013, to June 23, 2013. 

Year Quarter Number of Quitline “How Heard Abouts”
Family or Friends Health Professional Media Other
2010 1 25,026 27,388 41,208 12,977
2 22,403 26,358 39,028 11,653
3 21,480 25,991 33,499 16,688
4 19,479 25,410 35,123 11,080
2011 1 24,245 28,118 45,832 13,133
2 20,242 26,624 36,829 11,503
3 17,627 23,645 27,450 11,346
4 16,604 25,086 28,558 10,361
2012 1 19,876 29,873 48,224 13,937
2 20,372 27,935 69,991 10,972
3 16,649 26,132 26,859 11,817
4 13,732 24,525 21,812 9,138
2013 1 18,483 28,738 50,975 11,969
2 18,737 28,214 65,320 10,633
3 14,448 24,907 27,479 8,480
4 12,636 22,298 27,161 8,457

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Figure 2. Trends in quitline registrations by “how heard about” categories, 38 states, National Quitline Data Warehouse, 2010–2013.

Year Quarter Percentage of Quitline Registrations
Media Health Professional Family or Friends Other
2010 1 37.3 26.1 23.4 13.1
2 41.3 25.0 22.2 11.5
3 34.2 27.9 22.5 15.4
4 35.7 29.1 21.5 13.7
2011 1 37.6 27.8 22.4 12.4
2 41.6 26.6 21.1 10.8
3 34.4 29.5 21.4 14.6
4 35.9 30.7 20.5 12.9
2012 1 37.8 29.4 21.3 11.5
2 41.8 28.2 20.0 10.0
3 34.6 31.1 20.4 13.9
4 36.1 32.3 19.4 12.2
2013 1 38.0 31.0 20.2 10.8
2 42.0 29.8 19.0 9.2
3 34.8 32.8 19.3 13.1
4 36.3 34.0 18.3 11.4

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