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School-Based Intervention as a Component of a Comprehensive Community Program for Overweight and Obesity Prevention, Sousse, Tunisia, 2009–2014


The intervention group (8 middle schools) was in Sousse Jawhara and Riadh. The control group (7 middle schools) was in Sousse Msaken. A preintervention evaluation of both groups was done during school year 2009–2010. A healthy diet and physical activity were promoted for the intervention group but not for the control group. The intervention occurred during September 2010 to September 2013. A postintervention evaluation was done for both groups in 2013–2014.

Figure. Timeline of quasi-experimental study (preintervention and postintervention assessment with control group) of an intervention program that is a component of a comprehensive community program for overweight and obesity prevention, Sousse, Tunisia, 2009–2014.

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