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Worksite Environmental and Policy Supports for Physical Activity and Healthy Eating


Domain/SubdomainNo. of Instruments
Promotion and programs13
Informational media10
Organizational policies and practices13
Manager support10
Affordable options10
Community partnerships1
Internal physical environment14
Access to physical activity equipment12
Stairway access9
Office connectivity1
Internal social environment7
Role models for healthy choices7
Coworkers’ support/encouragement4
External environment14
Parking (bicycle/vehicle)10
Active commuting/transit9
Access to physical activity facilities9

Figure 1.
Number of instruments containing at least 1 item from each physical activity domain and subdomain (N = 15), review of measures of worksite environmental and policy supports for physical activity and healthy eating, United States, 1991–2013.

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Domain/SubdomainNo. of Instruments
Promotion and Programs9
Informational media8
Organizational Policies and Practices9
Healthy food at meetings/events7
Healthy options onsite/vending7
Affordable options6
Manager support4
Internal Physical Environment9
Healthy options onsite/vending9
Nutrition labeling8
Access to appliances6
Water available at no cost5
Internal Social Environment5
Role models for healthy choices4
Coworkers’ support/encouragement3
Healthy options for shared food1
External Environment6
Types of restaurants/vending nearby5
Types of food stores3
Access to healthy options3

Figure 2.
Number of instruments containing at least 1 item from each healthy eating domain and subdomain (N = 10), review of measures of worksite environmental and policy supports for physical activity and healthy eating, United States, 1991–2013.

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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions.