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Diabetes Topics Associated With Engagement on Twitter


Choose the categories that best describe the tweet content and tweet sender shown below. If a link is included please click on it to help you classify the tweet and tweet send accurately.

Tweet: #Diabetes rates skyrocket in kids and teens – USA TODAY

The tweet includes information about . . . (Choose all that apply):

The number or percentage of people with diabetes

Diabetes-related joke or sarcasm

Diabetes-related event (for example: walk or 5k, conference, awareness month)

A person’s success story (for example: good blood sugar, exercise)

A person’s failure or challenge (for example: bad blood sugar, eating candy)

Children with diabetes

Non-medical resources for diabetes (for example: recipes, cookbooks, weight loss tips)

Medical resources for diabetes (for example: new drug, alternative therapy, screening)

Diabetes related health problems (for example: heart disease, cancer, amputation, anxiety)

Tweet sender description: Read The news Without #Ads By Replacing Biz With

The sender of the tweet seems to be a(n) . . .



Sender description is blank


Figure. A screen capture of an example tweet and the description of the Twitter user who sent the tweet along with the instructions for classifying the tweet into topic and user categories. At the bottom is the submit button.

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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions.