No. 2, April 2006
Using Pedometers to Promote Physical Activity Among Working Urban Women
(starting at the top and going left to right)
Box 1 (at the top) reads:
168 User-days
Total study duration
A line leads down to Box 3, and another line leads from that line to Box
2, on the right.
Box 2 reads:
35 User-days
Pedometer not worn
(21% of user days in study)
Box 3 reads:
133 User-days
Pedometer not worn
(79% of all user-days)
A line leads down from Box 3 to Box 6, and two lines lead from that line
to to Box 4 and Box 5 on the right.
Box 4:
53 User-days
MCH pedometer not functioning
(40% of user-days worn)
Box 5 reads:
2 User-days
CR best-buy pedometer not worn
Box 6 reads:
78 User-days
Both pedometers worn and functioning
(46% of all user-days)
Boxes 7, 8, and 9 are connected to Box 6 with lines.
Box 7 reads:
17 User-days
MCH step count less than CR best-buy step count by 2000 or more steps
(22% of 78 user-days)
Box 8 reads:
43 User-days
MCH step count within 2000 steps of CR best-buy step count (55% of 78
Box 9 reads:
18 User-days
MCH step count greater than CR best-buy step count by 2000 or more
(23% of 78 user-days)
Figure. Summary of low-cost maternal and child
health (MCH) pedometer model performance compared with Consumer Reports
(CR) best-buy model performance.
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