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NIOSH to Highlight Research at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association

October 28, 2015
NIOSH Update:

Press Contact: Stephanie Stevens (202) 245-0641

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will participate in the 143rd annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) taking place October 31 – November 4 in Chicago. See the information below for more details about NIOSH sessions.

Monday, November 2, 8:30 – 8:44 AM
Worker exposure to silica during countertop manufacturing, finishing and installation
NIOSH authors: Kristin Yeoman, MD, MPH

Monday, November 2, 8:58 – 9:12 AM
Occupational exposures to new drycleaning solvents: High-flashpoint hydrocarbon or butylal
NIOSH authors: Diana Ceballos, PhD, MS, CIH and Eun Gyun Lee

Tuesday, November 3, 12:30 –1:30 PM (poster board 6)
Hearing impairment rehabilitation through use of hearing aids and cochlear implants: Monitoring trends in age-specific prevalence for U.S. Healthy People 2020
NIOSH author: Christa L. Themann, MA, CCC-A

Tuesday, November 3, 9:18 – 9:34 AM
Development of a climate change research agenda for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIOSH authors: Max Kiefer, MS, CIH, Joanna Watson, MSc, DPhil

Tuesday, November 3, 5:02 – 5:18 PM
Surgical smoke and healthcare worker health and safety
NIOSH authors: Andrea L. Steege, PHD, MPH, Jim Boiano, MS, CIH, Marie Haring Sweeney, PhD

Wednesday, November 4, 8:30 – 9:30 AM (poster board 8)
Occupational health and American Indian/Alaska Native populations: Report on a workshop
NIOSH authors: Andrea L. Steege, PhD, MPH, Elizabeth Dalsey, MPH, Kyla Retzer, MPH

Wednesday, November 4, 8:30 – 9:30 AM (poster board 9)
Recommendations to improve employee thermal comfort when working in 40°F refrigerated cold rooms
NIOSH authors: Diana Ceballos, PhD, MS, CIH, Jessica Ramsey, MS, CPE, Kenneth Mead, MS, PE

Wednesday, November 4, 8:30 – 8:50 AM
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) oil and gas extraction safety and health program: Lessons in how partnerships drive quality research
NIOSH authors: Marisa Alexander-Scott, DVM, MS, MPH, John Snawder, PhD, Eric Esswein, MSPH, CIH, Ryan Hill, MPH, Michael Breitenstein, BS, Kyla Retzer, MPH

Wednesday, November 4, 8:50 – 9:10 AM
NIOSH exposure assessments in the upstream oil and gas industry: Exposures during flowback and production testing operations
NIOSH authors: Bradley King, PhD, CIH, Eric Esswein, MSPH, CIH, John Snawder, PhD, Michael Breitenstein, BS, Marisa Alexander-Scott, DVM, MS, MPH

Wednesday, November 4, 9:10 – 9:30 AM
Control of worker exposure to silica in oil and gas extraction
NIOSH authors: Barbara Alexander, PhD, PE, Eric Esswein, MSPH, CIH, Michael Gressel, Jerry Kratzer, H. Amy Feng, MS, Bradley King, PhD, CIH, Arthur Miller, Emanuele Cauda

Wednesday, November 4, 9:30 – 9:50 AM
Development of an oil and gas worker fatality surveillance system
NIOSH authors: Sophia Ridl, BS, Kyla Retzer, MPH, Ryan Hill, MPH

NIOSH is the Federal agency that conducts research and makes recommendations for preventing work-related injuries and illnesses. It was created under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and is part of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More information about NIOSH can be found at
