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NIOSH Employees Honored by Pittsburgh Federal Executive Board

June 30, 2015
NIOSH Update:

Contact: Stephanie Stevens (202) 245-0641

The Pittsburgh Federal Executive Board (FEB) recognized more than 40 NIOSH staff for their dedication and commitment to the Federal government at the Excellence in Government Awards, an annual event that honors exceptional government employees. The Pittsburgh FEB is comprised of more than 100 Federal agencies and over 20,000 Federal employees in the Pittsburgh region.

NIOSH award recipients include the following individuals:

Outstanding Professional Employee (Medical/Scientific Field):
Aitor Coca (gold)
Steven Schatzel (bronze)

Outstanding Professional Employee:
Joseph Schall (silver)
Jaclyn Krah (bronze)

Outstanding Supervisor/Manager in a Professional Series:
Jeffrey Peterson (silver)
Peter Kovalchik (bronze)

Outstanding Administrative Employee:
Kayla Love (bronze)
Annette Stolze (bronze)

Outstanding Technical Employee:
Justin Srednicki (gold)
Lynn Alcorn (silver)

Outstanding Supervisor/Manager in a Technical Series:
Adam Smith (gold)

Outstanding Clerical Employee:
Amber Fike (gold)
Donna Opfer (silver)

Outstanding Service Employee:
Kevin Luster (silver)

Outstanding Team Award:
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Ebola Response Team: Roland BerryAnn, Aitor Coca, Judi Coyne, Maryann D’Alessandro, Travis DiLeo, Marisa Fries, Pengfei Gao, F. Selcen Kilinc-Balci, Jung-Hyun (Kenny) Kim, Jackie Krah, Jay Parker, Lee Portnoff, Thomas Pouchot, Raymond Roberge, Ronald Shaffer, Warren Williams, Tianzhou Wu (gold)

Refuge Alternatives Team: Timothy Lutz, Dave Yantek, Tim Matty, Jeff Yonkey, Jim Addis, Mary Ellen Nelson, Andrew Mazzella, Justin Srednicki, Lynn Alcorn (silver)

Equal Employment Opportunity:
Miquel Reyes (gold)

Outstanding Contribution to Science (non-medical):
Tom Dubaniewicz (gold)
Gary Walbert (gold)

Community Service Award:
David Yantek (silver)

Rookie of the Year:
Suzanne Alison (bronze)

Outstanding Service to the Public:
Colleen Miller (gold)

Chairman’s Award:
Raymond Roberge (silver)
Richard Ungar (bronze)
