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January 6, 2014
NIOSH Update:

Contact: Nura Sadeghpour (202) 245-0673


The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) announces a public meeting to present results from a study of former workers of the International Business Machine (IBM) facility in Endicott, New York. This meeting is being held to present study results to stakeholders and members of the public and to offer the opportunity for comments.


January 23rd


First United Methodist Church (Basement)
53 McKinley Ave
Endicott, NY ‎ 13760


NIOSH officials will present study findings.


In 2009, NIOSH began a study to examine potential health outcomes among former IBM workers in Endicott, New York. The study included 34,494 people who worked at the IBM-Endicott facility for at least 91 days between January 1, 1969 and December 31, 2001. The goals of the study were to evaluate overall causes of death among former workers, testicular cancer diagnosis among former workers, and birth defects among children of former workers. The assessment of the causes of death and testicular cancer diagnosis among former workers is now complete. The assessment of birth defects among children of former workers is still in process. NIOSH will hold a public meeting to present the results from the assessment of causes of death and testicular cancer diagnosis.

Tentative Agenda

  • A 60 minute presentation will be given by NIOSH officials.
  • Upon completion of the presentation, members of the public will be provided the opportunity to comment or ask questions. This opportunity will be on a first come, first served basis.
  • The meeting will end at 8:30PM ET or after the last public commenter has spoken, whichever occurs first.