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	Long Hours of Working

Selected Scientific Publications on Strategies for Coping

Pharmacological interventions for sleepiness and sleep disturbances caused by shift work. Liira J, Verbeek JH, Costa G, Driscoll TR, Sallinen M, Isotalo LK, Routsalainen JH. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014; 6:CD009776.

Shift work: health, performance and safety problems, traditional countermeasures, and innovative management strategies to reduce circadian misalignment. Smith M, Eastman CI. Nature and Science of Sleep. 2012; 4: 111-32.

Fatigue Risk Management in the Workplace Lerman SE, Eskin E, Flower DJ, George EC, Gerson B, Hartenbaum N, Hursh SR, Moore-Ede M; ACOEM Presidential Task Force on Fatigue Risk Management. J Occup Environ Med. 2012; 54(2):231-58.

Measures to counteract the negative effects of night work. Pallesen S, Bjorvatn B, Magerøy N, Saksvik IB, Wage S, Moen BE. Scan J Work Environ Health. 2010; 36 (2): 109-120.

Eating and shift work – effects on habits, metabolism and performance. Lowden A, Moreno C, Holmbäck U, Lennernäs M, Tucker P. Scan J Work Environ Health. 2010; 36 (2): 150-162.

Strategies for Nurses to Prevent Sleep-Related Injuries and Errors Caruso CC, Hitchcock EM. Rehabil Nurs. 2010; 35 (5): 192-7.

Fatigue countermeasures in aviation. Caldwell JA, Mallis MM, Caldwell JL, Paul MA, Miller JC, Neri DF; Aerospace Medical Association Fatigue Countermeasures Subcommittee of the Aerospace Human Factors Committee. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2009; 80(1):29-59

Guidance for managing worker fatigue during disaster operations. U.S. National Response Team. 2009.

Alertness Management Strategies for Operational Contexts. Caldwell JA, Caldwell JL, Schmidt RM. Sleep Med Rev. 2008; 12: 257-273.

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders: Part 1, basic principles, shift work and jet lag disorders Sack RL, Auckley D, Auger RR, Carskadon MA, Wright KP, Vitiello MV, Zhdanova I. Sleep. 2007; 30:1460-1483.

Practice parameters for the clinical evaluation and treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders Morgenthaler TI, Lee-Chiong T, Alessi C, Friedman L, Aurora RN, Boehlecke B, Brown T, Chesson AL, Kapur V, Maganti R, Owens J, Pancer J, Swick TJ, Zak R. Sleep.2007; 30:1445-1459.

Optimal shift duration and sequence: recommended approach for short-term emergency response activations for public health and emergency management Burgess PA. Am J Public Health. 2007; 97 Suppl 1:S88-S92.

How to trick Mother Nature into letting you fly around or stay up all night Revell VL, Eastman CI. J Bio Rhythms. 2005; 20:353-365.

Preventive and compensatory measures for shift workers
Knauth P, Hornberger S. Occupational Medicine. 2003; 53:109-116.

Plain Language about Shiftwork
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-145.
