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Women's Safety and Health Issues at Work

	5 women stnading side by side

Health Concerns: Respiratory Diseases

Work-related respiratory diseases are often related to breathing in materials in the workplace, such as dust, fibers, fungi, bacteria, fumes or gases. Respiratory problems may be mild to severe.

NIOSH Publications

Controlling Chemical Hazards During the Application of Artificial Fingernails
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 99-112 (January 1999)

Flavorings-Related Lung Disease – Information for Healthcare Providers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2012-107

Related Resources

Adverse health outcomes among cosmetologists and noncosmetologists in the Reproductive Outcomes of Salon Employees (ROSE) study
No statistically significant associations were found between women cosmetologists and cardiovascular, skin, or respiratory problems.

Chronic bronchitis among nonsmoking farm women in the agricultural health study
This study looked at agricultural risk factors for chronic bronchitis among nonsmoking farm women. Exposures to pesticides, grain, and dust were found to be associated with chronic bronchitis among nonsmoking farm women.

Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2004-0013-2990; Hallmark Cards. Inc.
NIOSH did environmental and health surveys at a card-producing plant. NIOSH measured dust exposures and aspects of employee health in relation to work processes. Nasal irritation, sinus problems, and eye irritation were the most frequently recorded health symptoms.

Nail salon hazards and health effects
Surveys completed by nail technicians identified as common a number of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, skin problems, respiratory irritation and headaches. Sixteen of 22 nail salons in the study had no mechanical ventilation of any kind other than table fans and room air cleaners.

Pesticides and atopic and nonatopic asthma among farm women in the agricultural health study
Results of the study involving 25,814 farm women suggested that pesticides may contribute to atopic asthma (a predisposition to asthma), but not nonatopic asthma, among farm women.

Prevalence of respiratory symptoms among female flight attendants and teachers
Potential health effects of the indoor environment in office buildings and aircraft have generated considerable concern in recent years. This study looked at the frequency of self reported respiratory symptoms and illnesses in flight attendants (FAs) and schoolteachers. The study found FAs and teachers report a higher frequency of work- related upper respiratory symptoms, chest illness, and cold or flu than the general working population.

Reciprocal association between atopy and respiratory symptoms in fully employed female, but not male, workers in swine operations .
Findings of a study involving workers in large commercial swine operations suggested that exposures to inhaled substances in the workplace may have different effects on men and women.

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