site ID


Two men and a child silhouetted in the sunset on a family farm

Extramural Research and Funding Opportunities

Abstracts of research grants which were funded under the NIOSH Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention Initiative to address recommendations of the National Action Plan. Research is needed to facilitate the appropriate prioritization of childhood agricultural safety and health activities and to inform the development and implementation of appropriate and effective prevention efforts.

FY 2014

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
National Children’s Cntr for Rural & Ag Health & Safety 2U54OH009568-06 Barbara C. Lee, Ph.D.


FY 2008

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
National Children’s Cntr for Rural & Ag Health & Safety 1U54OH009568-01 Barbara C. Lee, Ph.D.


FY 2007

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
Refinement and Enhancement of Agricultural Safety Curricula for Children (REACCH) 1R01OH009197-01 Deborah B. Reed, Ph.D.
Developing and Evaluating New Approaches to Youth Agricultural Injury Prevention 1 R01 OH009194-01 John Wilkins, III, DrPH
Georgia Childhood Agriculture Safety and Health Research 1 R01 OH009210-01 Zolinda Stoneman


FY 2004

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
Farm Family Total Noise Exposure Assessement 1 R03 OH008000-01A1 Sheryl Milz
Effect of Work Permits in Protecting Youth Workers 1 R01 OH007908-01A1 Janet Dal Santo
Work Injury and Young People: A Prospective Survey 1 R03 OH008126-01 Curtis F. Breslin


FY 2003

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
National Children’s Cntr for Rural & Ag Health & Safety 1 U50 OH008107-01 Barbara C. Lee
Removing HOOA Family Farm Exemption: Impact on Injury 1 R01 OH008046-01 Barbara L. Marlenga
Evaluation of Occupational Carrying Tasks for Farm Youth 1 R01 OH008058-01 Charles V. Schwab
Adherence to the NAGCAT and Injury Risk Reduction 1 R01 OH008070-01 John R.Wilkins, III, DrPH
Biomarkers of Pesticide Toxicity Among Teen Farmworkers 1 R01 OH008057-01 Linda McCauley, Ph.D.


FY 2001

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
Effectiveness of Farm Safety Day Camps for Children 1 R01 OH007536-01 Debra M. McCallum
Evaluation of Farm Safety 4 Just Kids Day Camps 1 R01 OH007534-01 Deborah B. Reed, Ph.D.


FY 2000

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
An Evaluation of the North American Guidelines for Children’s Agricultural Tasks 1 R01 OH004257-01 Sue Wright, Ph.D.
Evaluation of NAGCAT using Case Series of Injuries 1 R01 OH004205-01 Barbara Marlenga, Ph.D.
Teaching Kids Safety on the Farm: What Works 1 R01 OH004216-01 Anne Gadomski, M.D.
Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health 1 R01 OH004220-01 David Parker, M.D.
Pesticide Training for Adolescent Migrant Farmworkers 1 R01 OH004230-01 Linda McCauley, Ph.D.
Using the ASHBMP Manual as a Tool to Reduce Farm Hazards 1 R01 OH004210-01 Malcom Legault, Ph.D.
Evaluating Teen Farmworker Education 1 R01 OH004222-01 Robin Baker
Adapting NAGCAT for Ethnic Communities: A Research Model 1 R01 OH004215-01 John Shutske, Ph.D.
Childhood Agricultural Trauma Evaluation System , Funded under program announcement with EMSC 1 R01 OH004265-01 Debora Boyle, Ph.D.
RRIS II: Agricultural injury Surveillance ,
Funded under program announcement with EMSC
1 R01 OH004270-01 Susan Gerberich, Ph.D.


Past Extramural Awards

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
Etiology and Consequences of Injuries Among Children in Farm Households: A Regional Rural Injury Study 2 R01 CCR514375-02 Susan G. Gerberich, Ph.D.
Work Guidelines: Evaluation of Dissemination Methods 1 R01 CCR515576-01 Barbara L. Marlenga, Ph.D.
Empirical Derivation of Work Guidelines for Youth in Agriculture 1 R01 CCR515580-02 John R. Wilkins, III, Dr PH
Youth Teaching Youth: Are TASK Teens Ready to Teach 1 R01 CCR514378-01 Robert Edward Petrea, Ph.D.
Childhood Health Outcomes in A Rural Cohort 1 R01 CCR714364-01 James A. Merchant, M.D.
Ag Disability Awareness and Risk Education 1 R01 CCR414307-01 Deborah B. Reed, Ph.D.
Enhancing Agricultural Safety & Health Through Education 1 R01 CCR514360-01 David L. Parker, M.D.
Evaluation: Evaluating Ohio’s Tractor Certification Program: Traditional and Novel Approaches 1 R01 CCR514370-01 J. R. Wilkins, III, DrPH
Childhood Injuries in Washington State Agriculture 1 R01 CCR014332-01 Bruce Alexander, Ph.D.
Wisconsin Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Intervention 1 R01 CCR514357-01 Larry J. Chapman, Ph.D.
Community-Based Health and Safety Interventions for Adolescents Working in Agriculture: Evaluation of a National Initiative U06/CCU 512924 Barbara Lee


Migrant and Seasonal Youth Worker Safety and Health Awards



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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
Health outcomes in adolescent minority farmworkers. NIOSH Final Technical Report, 1998. 1 R01 CCR014362 McCauly L,
Anger KW, Bryan C.



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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
Biomarkers of Pesticide Toxicity Among Teen Farmworkers 1 R01 OH008057-01 Linda McCauley, Ph.D.
Pesticide Training for Adolescent Migrant Farmworkers 1 R01 OH004230-01 Linda McCauley, Ph.D.
Adapting NAGCAT for Ethnic Communities: A Research Model 1 R01 OH004215-01 John Shutske, Ph.D.
Evaluating Teen Farmworker Education 1 R01 OH004222-01 Robin Baker
Childhood Injuries in Washington State Agriculture 1 R01 CCR014332-01 Bruce Alexander, Ph.D.
Occupational Injury in Hispanic Farmworker Populations OR Work-related Injury Among CA Migrant Hispanic Farmworkers 5 R01 OH003444-02 Stephen A. McCurdy, M.D.
Risk Factors for Injury Among Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Children 1 R01 CCR014314-01 Harlan E. Amandus, Ph.D.


Extramural Funding Opportunities

Current RFA

No current RFAs open at this time

Past RFA

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
National Center of Excellence for the Prevention of Childhood Agricultural Injury RFA-0H-08-006
(Close Date:
April 11, 2008)
W. Allen Robison, Ph. D.
(404) 498-2530
Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research RFA-OH-07-002
(Close Date: August 17, 2006)
E. Lee Husting, Ph.D.
(404) 498-2506
National Center For Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention RFA-OH-03-001
(Close Date:
June 12, 2003)
Adele Childress, Ph.D.
(404) 498-2509
Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research RFA-OH-03-003
(Close Date:
May 23, 2003)
Adele Childress, Ph.D.
(404) 498-2509
Community-Based Interventions to Prevent Childhood Agricultural Injury and Disease RFA-OH-01-007
(Close Date:
March 14, 2001)
Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D,
(404) 639-3343
Research to Strengthen Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance RFA-OH-00-005
(Close Date:
April 28, 2000)
Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D.
(404) 639-3343
Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research RFA-OH-00-001
(Close Date:
April 19, 2000)
Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D.
(404) 639-3343
Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research 817
(Close Date:
April 16, 1998)
Roy M. Fleming, Sc.D.
(404) 639-3343
Childhood Agricultural Safety and Health Research 725
(Close Date:
June 10, 1997)
Roy Fleming, Sc.D.
(404) 639-3343
National Center for Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention 737
(Closing Date:
June 30, 1997)
David Hard, Ph.D.
(304) 285-6068


Program Announcement with EMS

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Title Project Number Principal Investigator
Research to Strengthen Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance RFA-OH-00-005
(Close Date:
April 28, 2000)
Roy Fleming, Sc.D. (404) 639-3343