site ID

Reproductive Risks Associated with Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare and Recommendations for Reducing Exposures

NIOSH Scientific Information Quality - Peer Review Agenda

Title: Reproductive Risks Associated with Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare and Recommendations for Reducing Exposures

Anticipated Date of Dissemination: June 2016

Subject: Reproductive risks of hazardous drug exposure in healthcare settings

Purpose: To provide healthcare workers and healthcare facilities information on the reproductive risk of hazardous drugs and how to lower exposures

Type of Dissemination: Influential

Timing of Review: August 2014

Primary Disciplines or Expertise Needed for Review: Toxicology, Industrial hygiene, Occupational medicine, Oncology nursing practices and Pharmacy practices

Type of Review: Panel

Number of Reviewers: 4

Reviewers Selected by: NIOSH

Public Nominations Requested for Reviewers: No

Opportunities for the Public to Comment: January 2015

Peer Reviewers Provided with Public Comments before Their Review: No

Charge to Peer Reviewers

The charge to reviewers was generally to consider the following: 1) Does the document provide useful information?; 2) Are the proposed recommendations appropriate?; and 3) What information would you add or remove from the document? Specifically, the reviewers were asked to consider the following:

  1. Overall, is the document well-written?
  2. Is the organization of the document satisfactory?
  3. Does the title of the document reflect the contents?
  4. Does the introduction properly address the topic?
  5. Is the document properly referenced?
  6. Are there references that should be included?
  7. Does Table 1 properly illustrate the occupational studies? Is it understandable?
  8. Are the Appendices helpful/needed?
  9. Does the document present a logical approach to the topic?
  10. Are the recommendations appropriate?
  11. If applicable, how would such a policy affect your institution?
  12. What do you see as positive outcomes from this document?
  13. What do you see as negative outcomes from this document?
  14. How would the recommendations in this document help to protect the reproductive health of workers and the health of their offspring?
  15. Would confidentiality issues be a concern with these recommendations?

The proposed changes to the list will then be placed on the NIOSH Docket at: /niosh/docket/

Peer Reviewers

  1. Grace Lemasters
    Academic and Professional Credentials: PhD
    Organizational Affiliation: University of Cincinnati
    Areas of Expertise, Discipline, or Relevant Experience: Epidemiology
    Recommended by: NIOSH
  2. Andy Rowland
    Academic and Professional Credentials: PhD
    Organizational Affiliation: University of New Mexico
    Areas of Expertise, Discipline, or Relevant Experience: Community and Family Medicine
    Recommended by: NIOSH
  3. William Buchta
    Academic and Professional Credentials: M.D.
    Organizational Affiliation: Mayo Clinic
    Areas of Expertise, Discipline, or Relevant Experience: Occupational medicine
    Recommended by: NIOSH