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Outputs: Publications by Sector - Mining

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Multiple Health Outcomes

Mining safety and health research at NIOSH: Reviews of research programs of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Committee to Review the NIOSH Mining Safety and Health Research Program (U.S.). Washington, DC: National Academies Press 2007 :1-264

Injuries, illnesses, and hazardous exposures in the mining industry, 1986-1995: A surveillance report
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2000-117 (May 2000)


Adult blood lead epidemiology and surveillance-United States, 2005-2007
MMWR, April 17, 2009/58(14):365-369

Evaluation of two portable lead-monitoring methods at mining sites
Drake PL et al. J Hazard Mater 2003;102:29-38

Adult blood lead testing: A pivotal role for labs in interpretation and surveillance
Ottlinger MR et al. Clin Lab News 2002:12-14

Respiratory Diseases

Coal workers' pneumoconiosis-related years of potential life lost before age 65 years-United States, 1968-2006
MMWR, December 25, 2009/58(50):1412-1416

Responses to a self-administered questionnaire and their relationship to lung function and radiographic pneumoconiosis among US coal miners
Wang M et al. Am J Epidemiol 2009;169(S11):S25

NIOSH B Reader Certification Program: Looking to the Future
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-140 (April 2009)

Coal workers™ lung diseases and silicosis
Petsonk EL and Parker JE. Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders, Fourth Edition, Fishman AP, Elias JA, Fishman JA, Grippi MA, Senior RM, Pack AI, eds, New York: McGraw Hill 2008:967-980

Advanced pneumoconiosis among working underground coal miners- Eastern Kentucky and Southwestern Virginia, 2006
MMWR, July 6, 2007/56(26):652-655

Rapidly progressive coal workers' pneumoconiosis in the United States: Geographic clustering and other factors
Antao VC et al. Occup Environ Med 2005:62:670-674

Repeated measures of FEV1 over six to twelve months: What change is abnormal?
Wang ML and Petsonk EL. J Occup Environ Med 2004;46:591-595

Pneumoconiosis prevalence among working coal miners examined in federal chest radiograph surveillance programs-United States, 1996-2002
MMWR, April 18, 2003/52(15):336-340

Pneumoconiosis prevalence among working U.S. coal miners: Preliminary results based on chest x-ray screening data, 1995-2000
Wang ML et al. Am J Epidemiol 2001;153(Suppl):127s

Silicosis screening in surface coal miners-Pennsylvania, 1996-1997
MMWR, July 14, 2000/49(27):612-615

Traumatic Injuries

Analysis of nonfatal and fatal injury rates for mine operator and contractor employees and the influence of work location
Karra VK. J Saf Res 2005;36:413-421

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