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Outputs: Publications by Cross-Sector - Musculoskeletal Disorders

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Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing

Hand problems in migrant farmworkers
Shah DJ et al. J Agric Saf Health 2009;15:157-169

Occupational Health of Hired Farmworkers in the United States. National Agricultural Workers Survey Occupational Health Supplement, 1999
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2009-119 (February 2009)

Occupational health survey of farm workers by camp health aides
Cameron L et al. J Agric Safety Health 2006;12:139-153

Conference Proceedings: Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders for Children and Adolescents Working in Agriculture
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2004-119 (June 2004)

Research and dissemination needs for ergonomics in agriculture
Estill CF et al. Public Health Rep 2002;117:440-445

Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farmworkers
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-111 (February 2001)


Twenty years of NIOSH construction research
Howard J et al. J Saf Res 2010;41:187-188

Back injuries among union carpenters in Washington State, 1989-2003
Lipscomb HJ et al. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:463-474

Work-related injuries in drywall installation
Lipscomb HJ et al. Appl Occup Environ Hyg 2000;15:794-802

Surveillance of work related musculoskeletal injuries among union carpenters
Lipscomb HJ et al. Am J Ind Med 1997;32:629-640

Health Care and Social Assistance

Burden of injury and illness in health care as documented by surveillance systems
Boiano JM et al. Handbook of Modern Hospital Safety, 2nd edition, Charney W, ed, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 2009:2.14-2.47

Musculoskeletal injuries resulting from patient handling tasks among hospital workers
Pompeii LA et al. Am J Ind Med 2009;52:571-578

Surveillance of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders in a diverse cohort of workers at a tertiary care medical center
Pompeii LA et al. Am J Ind Med 2008;51:344-356

Obesity and workers' compensation: Results from the Duke Health and Safety Surveillance System
Ostbye T et al. Arch Intern Med 2007;167:766-773


Musculoskeletal Disorders in Manufacturing
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2010-129 (March 2010)

Use of employer administrative databases to identify systematic causes of injury in aluminum manufacturing
Pollack KM et al. Am J Ind Med 2007;50:676-686

Multiple Sectors

Self-reported hand and wrist arthritis and occupation data from the U.S. National Health Interview Survey-Occupational health supplement
Dillon C et al. Am J Ind Med 2002;42:318-327

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Worker Health by Industry and Occupation [PDF - 611KB]
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-120 (January 2001)

National Occupational Research Agenda for Musculoskeletal Disorders Research Topics for the Next Decade: A Report by the NORA Musculoskeletal Disorders Team
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication 2001-117 (January 2001)

Misclassification of physical work exposures as a design issue for musculoskeletal intervention studies
Gardner LI et al. Scand J Work Environ Health 2000;26:406-413

Public Safety and Emergency Response

Occupational injuries among emergency responders
Reichard AA and Jackson LL. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:1-11

Wholesale and Retail Trade

Occupational fatalities, injuries, illnesses, and related economic loss in the wholesale and retail trade sector
Putz-Anderson V et al. Am J Ind Med 2010;53:673-685

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