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Dairy Farm Worker Mauled by Either a 2-Year-Old Bull or a Dairy Cow

Michigan Case Report: 14MI014
Release Date: October 23, 2015


In spring 2014, a dairy farm worker in her 40s was mauled by either a 2-year-old bull or a dairy cow. The farm worker was herding approximately 50-60 dairy cows from a freestall area (where the cows eat and stay when not being milked) into a holding pen before they enter the parlor for milking. The bull had been raised by the owner’s family on the farm and freely roamed with the dairy cows. The event was unwitnessed. The owners of the farm and a family member were in the front of the barn; one of the owners was tending to a sick cow and the other owner and family member were in the break area when they heard the cows bellowing. The three of them stepped out into the feed aisle and saw the bull in the feed aisle walking toward them. The bull was herded without incident to another stall. One of the owners found the worker lying face down and unresponsive under a stanchion; with the upper body found in one stall and lower body in another stall. The owner rolled the worker over and began CPR while emergency response was summoned. The worker was declared dead at the scene.

Dairy Farm Worker Mauled by Either a 2-Year-Old Bull or a Dairy Cow - Michigan [PDF 226 KB]
