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Horse Breeder Falls 11-12 Feet from Hayloft When Throwing Hay Bale - Michigan

Michigan Case Report: 12MI218



In fall 2012, a male horse breeder in his 70s died when his coat became entangled in the twine of a bale he was physically throwing from the hayloft. He fell 11-12 feet from the loft onto hard packed dirt. The decedent was working alone up in the loft. His spouse was feeding the horses below. She heard a “thud” but thought it was a bale landing on the ground. She went to investigate a few minutes later. She saw her husband lying on the ground. She ran to their home to call emergency response. Emergency response arrived and transported him to a local hospital where he died the next day.

Horse Breeder Falls 11-12 Feet from Hayloft When Throwing Hay Bale - Michigan [PDF 398 KB]
