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Temporary Worker Died while Cleaning a Double Auger Screw Conveyor Machine – Massachusetts

Massachusetts Case Report: 11MA050
Release Date: January 30, 2014
Revised Date: April 10, 2014


On December 16, 2011, a 28-year-old male temporary worker (victim) was fatally injured while cleaning and sanitizing a double auger screw conveyor machine (feed pump skid). Reportedly the victim was cleaning the machine’s tub while the machine’s double augers were rotating. Both of the victim’s arms became caught in the double augers and he was pulled into the machine. A co-worker heard the victim yell and noticed the victim being pulled into the machine and then stopped the machine via the emergency stop. Another co-worker ran to place a call for emergency medical services (EMS). Personnel from the local and state police departments, fire department and EMS all arrived after the calls. The victim was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Temporary Worker Died while Cleaning a Double Auger Screw Conveyor Machine – Massachusetts [PDF 483 KB]
