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City Police Officer Dies After His Vehicle is Struck by a Civilian Motorist in a Federal Highway Intersection, Kentucky

Kentucky Case Report: 15KY009
Release Date: February 29, 2016


On Wednesday morning, March 11, 2015, a city police officer was driving southbound on a federal highway to a neighboring city for training. The driving conditions were not ideal, as visibility was low due to heavy fog in the area and the roadway was wet. As the officer approached an intersection, a motorist, who was at the intersection attempting a left turn, struck the officer’s cruiser on the right side causing him to lose control and spin into the northbound lane, where another vehicle collided with the police cruiser’s passenger side.

Emergency Medical Services were notified of the incident at 7:18 am and arrived at 7:22 am. Three people were taken to a local hospital while the victim was transported to a major trauma center, where he succumbed to his injuries at 8:21 am.

City Police Officer Dies After His Vehicle is Struck by a Civilian Motorist in a Federal Highway Intersection, Kentucky [PDF 290 KB]
