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Passenger Dies When Semi-Truck Trailer Hits Cow In Roadway

Kentucky Case Report: 05KY089
Release Date: May 1, 2006

The following report is the product of our Cooperative State partner and is presented here in its original unedited form from the state. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the individual Cooperative State partner and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


On November 8, 2005, a 26-year-old male laborer who was a passenger in a semi-truck died when the driver swerved to avoid hitting a cow that was standing in the parkway lane. The two employees had been traveling westbound for approximately one hour when the driver noticed a cow in his lane. He swerved to avoid hitting the cow but hit it anyway. The tractor and two trailers jack-knifed, traveled through the median with the cab and trailers flipped onto their right sides, slid across the eastbound lanes, then the cab slammed through the guardrail. The cab came to rest on the steep embankment of the shoulder. A passing motorist called emergency services. Emergency personnel arrived, climbed down the steep embankment and found the top of the cab crushed. Both driver and passenger were thought to be alive. However, because of the steep slope and the condition of the cab, rescue personnel could not administer first aid to the two men in the cab. Tow trucks were called to the scene to move the two trailers and pull the cab up the slope and onto the pavement. Using torches, rescuers cut away the metal of the cab to reach the two men. Both men were wearing seatbelts which needed to be cut in order to free them. Emergency personnel assessed both men. The driver was found to be alive and was transported to the nearest hospital. However, the passenger did not have vital signs. The local coroner was contacted; he arrived and declared the passenger dead at the scene.

Passenger Dies When Semi-Tractor Trailer Hits Cow In Roadway [PDF 596 KB]
