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Semi Owner-Operator Dies in Rollover After Speeding Through A Curve

Kentucky Case Report: 05KY075
Release Date: March 19, 2008

The following report is the product of our Cooperative State partner and is presented here in its original unedited form from the state. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the individual Cooperative State partner and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


On a Fall day in 2005 at 3:00 PM, a 46 year-old male semi-tractor trailer owner-operator was hauling logs when he rounded a curve, drove off the right side of a two lane state highway, struck a tree and rolled over. Emergency medical services were called to the scene. When they arrived, they found the driver without vital signs and contacted the local coroner. Kentucky State Police arrived and called Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement to the scene. The driver had not been wearing his seatbelt. Toxicology detected methamphetamine and doxylamine in his system at the time of the crash.

Semi Owner-Operator Dies in Rollover After Speeding Through A Curve [PDF 1.92 MB]
