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Engine and Turret Lathe Safety Guide

September 1990
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 90-112

90-112 Cover
This Guide was developed to help in house safety personnel and shop supervisors to reduce injuries on metal cutting engine and turret lathes. It was intended as a supplement to existing safety information. The Guide provides general guidelines designed to reduce engine and turret lathe injuries, a method for identifying specific guidelines set forth in the Guide that are appropriate to the safety needs of the shop, and suggestions to assist in implementing these guidelines. Eight steps to improving safety in these specific jobs are presented and include reading and applying the general safety guidelines, surveying the jobs being performed on each lathe in the shop, answering checklist questions to determine what specific safety guidelines are appropriate to the shop, reading the specific safety guidelines associated with the checklist questions that have been answered in the affirmative, developing customized solutions based on review of the specific safety guidelines and supplemental information, reviewing the customized solutions with shop foremen or supervisors as well as with the safety personnel and with the workers and union, periodically checking the lathes to make certain there are no problems associated with the solutions, and developing and implementing safe work practices and procedures, providing appropriate worker training, and enforcing adherence to established policies.