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Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposures in Coal Gasification Plants

September 1978
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 78-191

This Criteria Document is contained in PDF files, for ease of handling. The following table of contents allows you to open or download the files containing the sections of the document you want to see.

Table of Contents

Preface78-191A.PDF (26 pages, 1,160K)
Review Consultants
Federal Agencies
I. Recommendations for a Coal Gasification Standard
II. Introduction
III. Hazards to Health and Safety From Exposures in Coal Gasification Plants78-191B.PDF (33 pages, 1,419K)
IV. Workplace Monitoring78-191C.PDF (23 pages, 1,318K)
V. Engineering Controls
VI. Work Practices78-191D.PDF (17 pages, 986K)
VII. Development of Standard
VIII. Research Needs
IX. References78-191E.PDF (20 pages, 899K)
X. Glossary
XI. Appendix I - Process Description: High-BTU Coal Gasification78-191F.PDF (66 pages, 3,024K)
XII. Appendix II - Process Description: Coal Gasification (Low- or Medium-BTU) Utilizing Bituminous Coal or Lower Ranked Feedstocks78-191G.PDF (20 pages, 768K)
XIII. Appendix III - Process Description: Coal Gasification (Low- or Medium-BTU) Utilizing Anthracite Feedstock or Very High Temperatures
XIV. Appendix IV - Safety
XV. Appendix V - Sampling and Analysis for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
XVI. Appendix VI - Noise Table
