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Special Occupational Hazard Review With Control Recommendations: Use of Ethylene Oxide as a Sterilant in Medical Facilities

August 1977
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 77-200

This Criteria Document is contained in PDF files, for ease of handling. The following table of contents allows you to open or download the files containing the sections of the document you want to see.

Table of Contents

Preface77-200A.PDF (22 pages, 1,016K)
Summary and Conclusions
I. Properties
II. Uses and Occurrence in Medical Facilities
III. Summary of Results of Field Studies Conducted in Medical Facilities
IV. Biologic Effects of Exposure to ETO77-200B.PDF (24 pages, 1,021K)
V. Occupational Exposure Limits77-200C.PDF (22 pages, 977K)
VI. Hazards, Control Measures, Medical Surveillance, and Recordkeeping
VII. Sampling and Analytical Methods
VIII. References
