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Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Chloroform

DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 75-114

This Criteria Document is contained in PDF files, for ease of handling. The following table of contents allows you to open or download the files containing the sections of the document you want to see.

Table of Contents

Preface75-114A.PDF (25 pages, 577K)
Review Committee
Review Consultants
I. Recommendations for a Chloroform Standard
II. Introduction
III. Biologic Effects of Exposure75-114B.PDF (41 pages, 1,472K)
IV. Environmental Data and Biologic Evaluation75-114C.PDF (25 pages, 831K)
V. Development of a Standard
VI. Work Practices
VII. References75-114D.PDF (21 pages, 718K)
VIII. Appendix I - Sampling and Analytical Procedures for Determination of Chloroform
IX. Appendix II - Material Safety Data Sheet75-114E.PDF (19 pages, 386K)
X. Tables
