site ID

Visual and Performing Arts and Communications Technologies

October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101
School Checklists logo

Potentially Applicable Checklists

Program Name

Commercial Photography
Dance/Performing Arts
Drama/Theater Arts
Graphic Design, Commercial Art, and Illustration
Graphic Design, Photography, and Video Technician
Radio/Television Production and Broadcasting Technology/Technician
Technical Theater/Theater Design and Stage
Visual and Performing Arts

Program Information

Checklist Need? Priority Date Given Date Returned
Accident Prevention Signs and Tags Yes
Personal Protective Equipment Yes
Air Pollution Control (for programs that release any pollutants into the air)
Compressed Gases (for programs that use compressed gas cylinders)
Dip Tanks Containing Flammable or Combustible Liquids (for programs that use dip tanks with flammable or combustible liquids)
Flammable and Combustible Liquids (for programs which use flammable and combustible liquids)
Hazardous Waste (for programs that might generate hazardous waste)
Machines--General Requirements (for non-farm machinery and tools, including fans)
Mechanical Power-Transmission Apparatus (for programs with fixed power-driven machinery and other non-farm power-driven equipment in a non-farm setting)
Nonionizing Radiation (for any programs that might generate microwave or radio frequency radiation)
Respiratory Protection (for programs that use respirators to protect against inhaling harmful atmospheres)
Spray Finishing (for any programs that do spray finishing using flammable or combustible liquids)
Toxic and Hazardous Substance Exposure(for programs where there may be excessive airborne exposure in a non-farm setting)
