site ID

Marketing Education

October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101
School Checklists logo

Potentially Applicable Checklists

Program Name

Business and Personal Services Marketing
Fashion Merchandising
General Marketing Operatins
General Selling Skills and Sales Operations
Hospitality and Recreation Marketing Operations
Hotel/Motel Services Marketing Operations
Supermarket Careers

Program Information

Checklist Need? Priority Date Given Date Returned
Accident Prevention Signs and Tags Yes
Personal Protective Equipment Yes
Food Preparation and Service--Part 1 (for programs that prepare or serve food for others)
Food Preparation and Service--Part 2 (for programs that prepare or serve food for others)
Food Preparation and Service--Part 3 (for programs that prepare or serve food for others)
Food Preparation and Service--Part 4 (for programs that prepare or serve food for others)
Food Preparation and Service--Part 5 (for programs that prepare or serve food for others)
Portable Hand and Power Tools (for programs that use portable hand and power tools)
Machinery--General Requirements (for any machinery and tools, including fans)
