site ID

Home Economics-Related Occupations Education

October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101
School Checklists logo

Potentially Applicable Checklists

Program Name

Child Care and Guidance Worker
Child Care Provider/Assistant
Clothing, Apparel, and Textile Worker
Commercial Garment and Apparel Worker
Fashion/Fabric Consultant

Program Information

Checklist Need? Priority Date Given Date Returned
Accident Prevention Signs and Tags Yes
Personal Protective Equipment Yes
Flammable and Combustible Liquids (for programs which use flammable and combustible liquids)
Hazardous Waste (for programs that might generate hazardous waste)
Machinery--General Requirements (for any machinery and tools, including fans)
Portable Hand and Power Tools (for programs that use portable hand and power tools)
