site ID

Health Occupations Education

October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101
School Checklists logo

Potentially Applicable Checklists

Program Name

Dental Assistant
Dental Laboratory Technician
Emergency Medical Technician
Health Aide
Health Careers
Health Occupatins
Health Unit Coordinator/Ward Clerk
Home Health Aide
Medical Assistant
Medical Office Management
Medical Records Technician
Medical Transcriber
Nursing Assistant
Nursing Assistant/Dental Assistant
Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aide
Nursing Assistant/Unit Secretary
Practical Nursing

Program Information

Checklist Need? Priority Date Given Date Returned
Accident Prevention Signs and Tags Yes
Personal Protective Equipment Yes
Bloodborne Pathogens (for programs that have the potential for exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials)
Compressed Gases (for programs that use compressed gas cylinders)
Flammable and Combustible Liquids (for programs which use flammable and combustible liquids)
Hazardous Waste (for programs that might generate hazardous waste)
Regulated Medical Waste (for programs that generate waste and sharps contaminated with blood or other infectious agents)
Respiratory Protection (for programs that use respirators to protect against inhaling harmful atmospheres)
Toxic and Hazardous Substance Exposure (for programs where there may be excessive airbrone exposure)
