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October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101
School Checklists logo

Potentially Applicable Checklists

Program Information

Checklist Need? Priority Date Given Date Returned
Fixed Ladders (for classrooms that have fixed ladders)
Fixed Stairs (for classrooms that have stairs inside the classroom leading to a storage platform or work area)
Guarding Floors, Stairs, and Other Openings (for classrooms that have floor holes greated than 1 inch in diameter, open holes, open-sided platforms, or raised storage areas)
Mobile Ladder Stands (for classrooms that have mobile ladder stands--has wheels--for reaching high places like light bulbs in high ceilings)
Portable Ladders (for classrooms that have portable wooden and metal ladders, including step ladders)
Standpipe and Hose Fire Protection Systems (for classrooms that have standpipe connections for fire hoses or fire fighting hoses)
