Jacks and Hoists
October 2003
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2004-101

Self-Inspection Checklist
Optional Information
Name of school: |
Date of inspection: |
Career-Technical program/course/room: |
Signature of inspector: |
This checklist covers regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) under general industry standards 29 CFR 1910.244 and 1910.308 and the construction standards 29 CFR 1926.305 and 1926.554. These regulations cover jacks, overhead hoists, and monorail hoists. The regulations cited apply only to private employers and their employees, unless adopted by a state agency and applied to other groups such as public employees. A yes answer to a question indicates that this portion of the inspection complies with the OSHA or EPA standard, or with a nonregulatory recommendation. Definitions of terms in bold type are provided at the end of the checklist.
- Do jacks in use have a rating sufficient to lift and sustain the loads? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(1)(i)]
- Is the rated load legibly and permanently marked in a prominent location on the jack by casting, stamping, or other suitable means? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(1)(ii) and 1926.305(a)(1)]
- In the absence of a firm foundation, is the base of the jack blocked or cribbed? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(i) and 1926.305(c)]
- If the cap could slip, is a block placed between the cap and the load? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(i) and 1926.305(c)]
- Do all jacks have a positive stop to prevent over-travel? [29 CFR 1926.305(a)(2)]
- Are operators instructed to watch the stop indicator (which must be kept clean) in order to determine the limit of travel? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(ii)]
- After the load has been raised, is it required to be cribbed, blocked, or otherwise secured at once? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(iii) and 1926.305(d)(1)(i)]
- Are hydraulic jacks that are exposed to freezing temperatures supplied with adequate antifreeze liquid? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(iv) and 1926.305(d)(1)(ii)]
- Are all jacks properly lubricated at regular intervals? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(v) and 1926.305(d)(1)(iii)]
- Is each jack thoroughly inspected? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(vi) and 1926.305(d)(1)(iv)]
- Are jacks that are used constantly or intermittently at one locality thoroughly inspected at least every six months? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(vi)(a) and 1926.305(d)(1)(iv)(a)]
- Are jacks that are sent out thoroughly inspected when they are returned? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(vi)(b) and 1926.305(d)(1)(iv)(b)]
- Are jacks that are subjected to abnormal load or shock thoroughly inspected immediately before and immediately after use? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(vi)(c) and 1926.305(d)(1)(iv)(c)]
- Are repair or replacement parts examined for defects? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(vii) and 1926.305(d)(1)(v)]
- Are repairs made on disabled jacks before they are used again? [29 CFR 1910.244(a)(2)(viii) and 1926.305(d)(1)(vi)]
Electric Monorail Hoists
- On an electric monorail hoist, is a readily accessible disconnecting means provided between the runway contact conductors and the power supply? [29 CFR 1910.306(b)(1)(i)]
On an electric monorail hoist, is another disconnecting means (capable of being locked in the open position) provided in the lead from the runway contact conductors or other power supply? [29 CFR 1910.306(b)(1)(ii)]
Note: See 29 CFR 1910.306(b)(1)(ii)(B)(1 to 3) for exceptions.
- If the additional disconnecting means required in question 17 is not readily accessible from the crane or monorail hoist operating station, is a means provided at the operating station to open the power circuit to all motors of the crane or monorail hoist? [29 CFR 1910.306(b)(1)(ii)(A)]
- On an electric hoist, is a minimum of 2 feet 6 inches of working space provided in the direction of access to live parts for examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance? [29 CFR 1910.306(b)(3)]
- On an electric hoist where controls are enclosed in cabinets, are door(s) removable or capable of opening at least 90 degrees? [29 CFR 1910.306(b)(3)]
- Is a limit switch or other device provided to prevent the load block from passing the safe upper limit of travel of any hoisting mechanism? [29 CFR 1910.306(b)(2)]
- Is the safe working load of an overhead hoist, as determined by the manufacturer, indicated on the hoist? [29 CFR 1926.554(a)(1)]
- Is the weight of the load maintained at or below the safe working load? [29 CFR 1926.554(a)(1)]
- Does the supporting structure to which an overhead hoist is attached have a safe working load at least equal to that of the hoist? [29 CFR 1926.554(a)(2)]
- Does the support for an overhead hoist allow free movement of the hoist so that the hoist can line itself up with the load? [29 CFR 1926.554(a)(3)]
- Is the overhead hoist installed only in locations that will permit the operator to stand clear of the load at all times? [29 CFR 1926.554(a)(4)]
- Are air hoists connected to an air supply of sufficient capacity and pressure to operate the hoist safely? [29 CFR 1926.554(a)(5)]
- Are air hoses supplying air to air hoists connected by a positive method to prevent their becoming disconnected during use? [29 CFR 1926.554.(a)(5)]
- Do overhead hoists meet the applicable requirements for construction, design, installation, testing, inspection, maintenance, and operation as prescribed by the manufacturer? [29 CFR 1926.554(a)(6)]
- Are overhead hoist hooks equipped with a hook-latch safety device? [recommended]
Disconnecting means: a device, group of devices, or other means by which the conductors of a circuit can be disconnected from their source of supply.
- Page last reviewed: June 6, 2014
- Page last updated: June 6, 2014
- Content source:
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Information Division