Investigation Update on the Grandeur of the Seas

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Cruise Line: Royal Caribbean Cruise Line

Cruise Ship: Grandeur of the Seas

Voyage Dates: March 28 - April 5, 2014

Number of passengers who have reported being ill during the voyage out of total number of passengers onboard: 111 of 2122 (5.23%)

Number of crew who have reported being ill during the voyage out of total number of crew onboard: 6 of 790 (0.76%)

Predominant symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea

Causative agent: Norovirus

Actions: In response to the outbreak, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and the crew aboard the ship are taking the following actions:

  • Increasing cleaning and disinfection procedures according to their outbreak prevention and response plan,
  • Making announcements to notify onboard passengers of the outbreak, encourage case reporting, and encourage hand hygiene,
  • Collecting stool specimens from ill passengers and crew and made plans to send them to the CDC lab,
  • Making twice daily reports of gastrointestinal illness cases to the VSP,
  • Is consulting with CDC on plans for their comprehensive sanitation procedures in Baltimore, Maryland on April 5, 2014, including
    • providing additional cleaning crew to complete a thorough public and accommodation super-sanitization cleaning and disinfection,
    • planning staged disembarkation for active cases to limit the opportunity of illness transmission to well guests, and
    • planning for sanitation of terminal and transport infection control procedures.

CDC's Vessel Sanitation Program is monitoring the outbreak and providing remote assistance and support. Stool specimens are being collected and will be shipped to the CDC lab for testing.
