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OPRP - Clinical and Environmental Laboratory Resources

This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

The following is a list of laboratories that may be used for the analysis of common gastrointestinal illness pathogens in clinical specimens and/or environmental samples. Please note, this list is by no means exhaustive and simply represents a starting point for cruise lines or cruise ships seeking clinical or environmental laboratory services.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC labs do not charge for analysis.

Note: You must submit the CDC EpiForm [PDF - 284 KB] when submitting specimens to either CDC laboratory.

National Calicivirus Laboratory
Analytes:  Viral agents (including noroviruses)

National Calicivirus Laboratory
DASH Unit 75
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
1600 Clifton Road, N.E., Mailstop G-04
Atlanta, GA 30333
Telephone: 404-639-1923 or 404-639-3577
Fax: 404-639-3645
POC: Nicole Gregoricus or CAPT Jaret Ames

Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases – Epidemic Investigations Laboratory
Analytes:  Bacterial agents

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Attn: Cheryl Bopp, Building 23-7410
1600 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30329
Telephone: 404-639-1798
Fax: 404-639-3333
POC: Cheryl Bopp, MS or CAPT Jaret Ames

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Analytes: Seafood Toxins

Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory/FDA
1 Iberville Drive
Dauphin Island, AL 36528
Telephone: 251-690-3379
POC: Ray Granade

Bureau of Laboratories - State of Florida

Analytes:  Viruses (noroviruses, hepatitis A).  Full spectrum of microbiology and bacteriology capabilities.

Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Laboratories - Tampa Laboratory (virology)
William G. (Doc) Myers Building
3602 Spectrum Blvd
Tampa, FL 33612
Telephone: 813-974-5990
Fax: 813-974-5776
POC: Lillian M. Stark, PhD, MPH, MS


Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Laboratories - Central Lab (microbiology)
12171 Pearl Street
Jacksonville, FL 32202
Telephone: 904.791.1600
Fax: 904-791-1603
POC: Ron Baker (general microbiology/bacteriology)
Telephone: 904-791-1605 (clinical microbiology)
Fax: 904-791-1603
POC: Cynthia Shank

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United Kingdom Laboratories

Analytes:  Noroviruses

PHLS Central Public Health Laboratory
61 Colidale Avenue
London NW9 5HT
Telephone: 44-020-8358-3117
Fax: 44-020-8205-8195
POC: Dr. Jim Gray

Analytes:  Drinking water pathogens

Royal Berkshire Hospital
London Road Reading
Berkshire RG1 5 AN
Telephone: 44-0118-987883
Fax: 44-0118-987878
POC: Dr. Ann Night

Private Laboratories

Analytes:  Various environmental samples (e.g., food/water)

Kappa Laboratories - Environmental Lab
2577 NW 74th Avenue
Miami, FL 33122
Telephone: 305-599-0199
Fax: 305-592-1224
POC: Dr. Kmieck


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