OPRP - Information Sheets and Selected Links

This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

Norovirus Summary Document
This documents provides a synopsis of the group of viruses known as noroviruses or Norwalk-like viruses.  For an in-depth discussion on noroviruses, visit the norovirus infection page at CDC.

Cruise ship outbreak summaries, MMWR articles and bibliographies
Information on cruise ship-associated outbreaks and journal articles on cruise ships

Hand Hygiene Program (with references)
General information useful in the development of a hand hygiene program.  The references link provides background information from the scientific community.

Handwashing Guidelines
General information on "how to" and "when to" wash hands to prevent the spread of infectious agents.  For additional information, see the CDC report on Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings.
