Healthy Housing Inspection Manual

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The Healthy Housing Inspection Manual supplements the 2006 CDC/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Healthy Housing Reference Manual. The Healthy Housing Inspection Manual introduces the elements of an all-inclusive home inspection to environmental health professionals, public health professionals, housing managers, specialists, and inspectors. It is also a useful reference for outreach workers and for others interested in preventing those illnesses and injuries caused by residential health and safety hazards. Local jurisdictions or others can adopt the manual in its entirety or modify it based on local needs.

The Healthy Housing Inspection Manual addresses the broad range of housing deficiencies and hazards that can affect resident health and safety. The purpose of the manual is to

  • improve communication and collaboration among public health professionals, housing professionals, property owners, property managers, and residents;
  • increase the understanding of the relationships between exposure to hazardous agents, conditions in the home, and adverse health outcomes, and
  • improve an inspection program’s ability to address an array of housing deficiencies in an efficient, effective, and timely manner.

Manual Format

The manual includes two main sections:

  • Healthy Housing Model Resident Questionnaire (a voluntary health assessment) that can be used to collect from the resident information that might be unobtainable through visual assessment but which could provide important clues to potential housing deficiencies.
  • Visual Assessment Data Collection Form to collect information that is obtainable visually. This form allows a detailed assessment of exterior housing features and of the kitchen, bathroom, and living areas, and has a section for general building information.

Additional resources direct the reader to such links as environmental sampling methods and to more information about issues related to healthy housing.

The Healthy Housing Inspection Manual is the final building block of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Healthy Homes Initiative, which includes
