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Vector Control


Environmental health practitioners deal with vector control issues daily. With the threat of terrorism, practitioners must also prepare for possible biologic attacks in which animal and insect vectors could be used to deliver disease-causing organisms.

This section provides information and technical assistance on vector control for preventing disease and protecting public health.

CDC Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases – reference center for vector-borne viral and bacterial diseases

CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response – how to prepare for, plan for, and respond to vector-borne agents after disasters:

CDC Rodent Control After a Disaster – information about rodent infestations and precautions to take when cleaning rodent-infested areas

Links to information from outside CDC

The Twin Cities Metro Advanced Practice Center – tools and resources for preparedness that can be used by public health departments nationwide, including

U.S. Armed Forces Pest Management Board – recommends policy, provides guidance, and coordinates the exchange of information on all matters related to pest management

World Health Organization (WHO):

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