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Blood Disorders

Anyone in need of emergency medical assistance should call 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.


Cooley’s Anemia Foundation


Family Emergency Kit Checklist

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • Family Emergency Kit Checklist
    Your family may not be together at the time of a disaster so it is important to develop an emergency plan before disaster strikes.

ATHNready Disaster Preparedness

  • Technology Tools
    Patients can receive their core health information in a report—called the ATHNready Personal Health Report—on a flash drive from their HTC.
  • Emergency Preparedness
    Educational information for you and your family about ATHN partnerships and programs, as well as links to critical emergency resources.

Hemophilia Federation of America

  • Emergency “to go” Bag
    It is recommended that every person with a bleeding disorder have a “to go” bag ready at all times.

National Hemophilia Foundation

  • Steps For Living Emergency Preparedness
    Find information on emergency planning, essential items to bring to the ER or hospital, wearing a medical alert ID, keeping extra supplies on hand, and emergency preparedness for college students.
  • Recommendation Regarding Home Factor Supply
    All patients with hemophilia, regardless of whether they are on home treatment or not, need an emergency supply of factor for self- infusion or to take to the nearest emergency department or medical facility.
  • If your Hemophilia Treatment Center closes because of a declared emergency or disaster, contact HANDI, the NHF’s Information Resource Center at 1-800-42-HANDI for information about other HTC locations and other emergency resources. For information during non-emergency times or regular business hours, HANDI staff members are available Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:30pm EST, to answer your questions. Call 1-800-42HANDI or email

Find a Treatment Center

Click on one of the following links to locate a research and treatment center:


Sickle Cell Disease

Thrombosis and Hemostasis


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