Milestones In Action : By Two Months
Milestones Photos and Videos Library

Begins to smile at people
This baby is displaying a 2-month social/emotional milestone - smiling at his mother.
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Can briefly calm herself (may bring hands to mouth and suck on hand)
In image 1 of this series of 2, the infant is upset and is showing the 2-month social/emotional milestone of trying to calm herself by bringing her hands to her mouth.
In image 2 of this series of 2, the infant is showing the 2-month social/emotional milestone of sucking on her hand, and she is now calm.
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Tries to look at parent
In this image, the baby is showing the 2-month social/emotional milestone of trying to look at her mother.
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Coos, makes gurgling sounds
The baby in this video coos, a 2-month language/communication milestone.
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Turns head toward sounds
In this video, the baby turns her head toward the sound of a rattle, a 2-month language/communication milestone.
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Pays attention to faces
In this image, the baby is showing a 2-month milestone by paying attention to the face of the person she's looking toward.
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Begins to follow things with eyes and recognize people at a distance
In the 3 images in this series, the infant is following the toy with her eyes. This is a 2-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.
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Right click here and select "Save Target As..." for hi-resolution image (36.20 MB) (Image 2)
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Begins to act bored (cries, fussy) if activity doesn’t change
This video shows an infant getting fussy because he has gotten bored. This is a 2-month cognitive (learning, thinking, problem-solving) milestone.
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Can hold head up and begins to push up when lying on tummy
This image shows a baby girl displaying the 2-month movement/physical development milestone of holding her head up and pushing up while lying on her tummy.
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Makes smoother movements with arms and legs
The baby in this video is making smoother movements with her arms and legs than she did when she was younger. This is a 2-month movement/physical development milestone.
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- Page last reviewed: August 16, 2016
- Page last updated: August 16, 2016
- Content source: