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Gulf States Population Survey

This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

GSPS Data User's Guide

This GSPS Data User’s Guide is intended to assist individuals who will use the GSPS dataset. The Guide includes information on the background of the GSPS, survey protocol and methodology, and data collection and management.

Open specific sections of the GSPS Data User Guide:

GSPS Survey Dataset

There are 38,361 records for the GSPS dataset including 128 variables. The data files are provided in SAS, SPSS, and ASCII formats.

GSPS Survey Data (SAS)
Data released January 16, 2013
This file in SAS format (SAS v9.3).

GSPS SAS Format File
The SAS Format file used with the GSPS SAS dataset is provided.

GSPS Survey Data (ASCII)
Data released on January 16, 2013
This file is in ASCII format. It was created based on the SAS dataset.

GSPS Survey Data (SPSS)
Data released January 16, 2013
This file is in SPSS format (SPSS v20). It was created based on the SAS dataset. Data labels were created and added to the SPSS dataset.

Variable Layout
Format information on variables by column position.
