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New state physical activity indicator report now available online

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Media Advisory

For Immediate Release: Friday, July 15, 2014
Contact: Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

New state physical activity indicator report now available online

More than half of youth in the United States have access to parks or playground areas, recreation centers, boys’ and girls’ clubs, and walking paths or sidewalks in their neighborhoods, according to a new report, State Indicator Report on Physical Activity, 2014.

The report also finds that 27 states have adopted policies that formalize their intent to plan, design and maintain streets so they are safe for all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit riders, and those in wheelchairs.

The report includes physical activity behavior, environment and policy information for each state and is available at


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  • Page last reviewed: July 14, 2014 (archived document)
  • Content source: Error processing SSI file
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