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October 25, 2001/6:00 PM, ET
Contact: CDC Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

Press Release

CDC Update: MMWR update, postal worker guidelines, flu vaccine, telebriefing, investigation updates (Florida and New Jersey)

Interim guidelines for Mail Handlers

“Interim Recommendations for Protecting Mail Handlers from Cutaneous and Inhalational Anthrax Associated with Intentional Distribution of Bacillus anthracis through the Mail” is available online at

Interim guidelines for First Responders

“Interim Recommendations for Firefighters and Other First Responders for the Selection and Use of Protective Clothing and Respirators Against Biological Agents, Oct. 25, 2001” is available online at

Transcript: Telebriefing 10-25-01

The transcript for today’s telebriefing —Drs. Koplan and Gerberding— will be available online (after 6 pm ET) at

For the latest update on CDC activities and on-going anthrax investigations visit or

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This page last reviewed October 25, 2001

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention