Submitting Specimens to CDC

What's New

Updated 12/9/2016 – We have updated our CDC 50.34 Specimen Submission Form, Online Test Directory, and supporting documentation. Major changes to the CDC 50.34 Form[PDF – 3 pages] and test directory updates[PDF – 3 pages] should be reviewed prior to sending specimens to CDC for testing. VisitHelp & FAQ’s for additional information.

CDC accepts specimens from state public health laboratories and other federal agencies for analysis. Specimens from private healthcare providers and institutions must be submitted to the local state health department laboratory (state, county, city) for appropriate processing.

Specimen Management activities at CDC include the receipt, categorization, and distribution of specimens from public health facilities to CDC laboratories for reference diagnostic testing and research studies. State-of-the-art technology is used to provide data and information summaries that are crucial in the assessment of public health trends and epidemic dynamics on a national scale.