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Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings (2006)

Table 2. Number of Studies Using Control Measures for MDROs Employed in Studies Performed in Healthcare Settings, 1982-2005

Format Change [February 2017]

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Focus of MDRO Study MDR-GNB (n=30)
No. (%)
MRSA (n=35)
No. (%)
VRE (n=39)
No. (%)
Education of staff, patients or visitors 19 (63) 11 (31) 20 (53)
Emphasis on handwashing 16 (53) 21 (60) 9 (23)
Use of antiseptics for handwashing 8 (30) 12 (36) 16 (41)
Contact Precautions or glove use α 20 (67) 27 (77) 34 (87)
Private Rooms 4 (15) 10 (28) 10 (27)
Segregation of cases 4 (15) 3 (9) 5 (14)
Cohorting of Patients 11 (37) 12 (34) 14 (36)
Cohorting of Staff 2 (7) 6 (17) 9 (23)
Change in Antimicrobial Use 12 (41) 1 (3) 17 (44)
Surveillance cultures of patients 19 (63) 34 (97) 36 (92)
Surveillance cultures of staff 9 (31) 8 (23) 7 (19)
Environmental cultures 15 (50) 14 (42) 15 (38)
Extra cleaning & disinfection 11 (37) 7 (21) 20 (51)
Dedicated Equipment 5 (17) 0 12 (32)
Decolonization 3 (10) 25 (71) 4 (11)
Ward closure to new admission or to all patients 6 (21) 4 (12) 5 (14)
Other miscellaneous measures 6 (22) β 9 (27) χ 17 (44) δ

α Contact Precautions mentioned specifically, use of gloves with gowns or aprons mentioned, barrier precautions, strict isolation, all included under this heading

β includes signage, record flagging, unannounced inspections, selective decontamination, and peer compliance monitoring (1 to 4 studies employing any of these measures)

χ includes requirements for masks, signage, record tracking, alerts, early discharge, and preventive isolation of new admissions pending results of screening cultures (1 to 4 studies employing any of these measures)

δ includes computer flags, signage, requirement for mask, one-to-one nursing, changing type of thermometer used, and change in rounding sequence (1 to 7 studies employing any of these measures)

References for Table

MDR-GNBs: (6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 38, 174, 175, 180, 209, 210, 213-215, 218, 334, 388, 406, 407)

MRSA: (68, 89, 152, 153, 165-173, 183, 188, 194, 204, 205, 208, 240, 269, 279, 280, 289, 304,
312, 327, 365, 392, 397, 408-412)

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