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Comprehensive HIV Prevention Services

THRIVE Activities

Each THRIVE collaborative will provide 24 HIV prevention, care, behavioral health and social services.

HIV Prevention Services

The following 13 HIV prevention services will be provided by the collaborative for MSM of color at substantial risk of acquiring HIV infection:

  1. HIV testing with lab-based 4th generation tests
  2. Assessment of PrEP and nPEP indications
  3. Provision of PrEP and nPEP
  4. Adherence interventions for PrEP and nPEP
  5. Immediate linkage to care, treatment, and partner services for acute HIV infection
  6. Expedient linkage to care, treatment, and partner services for established HIV infection
  7. STD screening and treatment
  8. Partner services
  9. Behavioral risk reduction interventions
  10. Screening for behavioral health and social services needs
  11. Linkage to behavioral health and social services
  12. Navigation to assist utilizing HIV prevention and behavioral health and social services
  13. Navigation to assist enrolling in a health plan

HIV Testing as a Decision Node for HIV Prevention or Care

The HIV testing figure shows the flow of THRIVE clients getting tested to identify MSM of color who will receive either HIV prevention or care services.


HIV testing to identify MSM of color to receive either HIV prevention or care services
* Alternative testing strategies with high sensitivity for acute HIV infection may be used (e.g., HIV-1 RNA testing)
† STD testing includes syphilis serology and chlamydia and gonorrhea NAATs at all anatomic sites of exposure
§ Behavioral health services include mental health and substance abuse services; social services include housing programs, and job training or employment services