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After You Apply

Phase I Review:

All applications will be reviewed initially for completeness by CDC PGO staff and will be reviewed jointly for eligibility by the CDC NCHHSTP and PGO. Incomplete applications and applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not advance to Phase II review. Applicants will be notified that their applications did not meet eligibility or published submission requirements.

Phase II Review:

Approach: (50 points)

  • Does the applicant describe required services and interventions they plan to implement for comprehensive HIV prevention for MSM of color at risk for HIV acquisition?
  • Does the applicant describe required services and interventions they plan to implement for comprehensive HIV care for MSM of color living with HIV?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe a detailed plan to implement each of the 24 required activities? Does applicant describe key activities, milestones and timelines to accomplish these tasks?
    • Does the applicant describe a plan for creation of service agreements, MOAs, MOUs, and financial agreements and timelines for completion?
    • Does the applicant describe a detailed plan for identification of and outreach to MSM of color at risk for HIV acquisition?
    • Does the applicant describe a detailed plan for identification of and linkage to care for MSM of color living with HIV?
    • Does the applicant describe, in detail, their plans to develop intervention materials, protocols and linkage mechanisms?
    • Does the applicant describe how collaborative CBO competencies will be assessed and do they describe a plan to address deficiencies?
    • Does the applicant describe a detailed plan on how they will manage, monitor and coordinate activities conducted by collaborative partners?
    • Does the applicant describe plans to ensure collection of required performance measures?
    • Does the applicant describe the technical assistance they will give to the collaborative partners?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to implement lab-based 4th generation HIV testing?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to implement nPEP for MSM of color at risk for HIV acquisition?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to implement PrEP for MSM of color at substantial risk for HIV acquisition?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to implement immediate linkage to care and initiation of ARV treatment for MSM of color diagnosed with acute HIV infection?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to implement expedient linkage to care and initiation of ARV treatment for MSM of color diagnosed with established HIV?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to implement a Data to Care strategy to identify out of care MSM of color living with HIV and to re-engage these persons into care?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to conduct STD screening and treatment of MSM of color at risk for or living with HIV?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to provide partner services and to link MSM of color at risk for HIV acquisition or living with HIV to behavioral health and social services?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to screen MSM of color at risk for or living with HIV for behavioral health and social services needs?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to link MSM of color at risk for or living with HIV to behavioral health and social services?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to provide peer navigation for MSM of color at risk for or living with HIV to access HIV prevention, care, and behavioral health and social services?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans to link MSM of color at risk for or living with HIV to health insurance?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe plans for sustainability of the program interventions throughout the project period?
  • Does the applicant describe the estimated number of MSM of color living with HIV who will be reached through each intervention and service?
  • Does the applicant’s jurisdiction have similar models in place? If so, to what extent are the models described?

Evaluation and Performance Management (20 points):

  • Does the applicant describe, in detail, a process for collecting performance and outcome measures, data quality control procedures, data security, and secure transmission of data to CDC?
  • Does the applicant describe potentially available data sources and feasibility of collecting appropriate outcome and performance measures?
  • Does the applicant describe how performance measurement will be used for program improvement?
  • Does the applicant describe how they will comply with the project’s data reporting requirements?

Applicant’s Organizational Capacity to Implement the Approach (30 points):

  • To what extent does the applicant describe their capacity to identify and reach MSM of color at risk for HIV acquisition or living with HIV?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe their capacity to implement each of the required 24 activities and each service for MSM of color at risk for HIV acquisition and those living with HIV?
    • Does the applicant describe each member of the collaborative and describe in detail the role and responsibilities of each collaborative member in implementing each intervention and service?
    • Does the applicant describe, in detail, what training and/or experience in conducting the selected interventions each collaborative member has?
    • Does the applicant describe, in detail, the experience with partner services each collaborative member has?
    • Does the applicant describe, in detail, the experience with linkage to behavioral health and social services each collaborative member has?
  • To what extent does the applicant describe their capacity to manage and coordinate collaborative activities?
  • To what extent does the applicant propose a staffing plan that includes the following: staff with experience managing, monitoring and coordinating multiple groups and activities; staff with experience conducting performance monitoring; staff with experience writing, awarding, and managing contracts
    • Does the applicant provide a description of duties, percentage-of-time commitments, and responsibilities of project personnel including clear lines of authority and supervisory capacity to successfully conduct the program activities? Is an organizational chart included in the application? Is a diagram illustrating the relationship between collaborative partners included?
    • If the applicant intends to use consultants to assist with project activities, the applicant describes the consultant(s)’ area(s) of expertise, relevant experience and specific roles in assisting with project activities. The applicant includes, in the application, Curriculum Vitas of the proposed consultants. The applicant includes, in the application, Letters of Support from the proposed consultant(s).
  • Curricula vitas are included for existing staff. For staff that are proposed to be hired for the program, position descriptions, timelines for staffing, qualifications for each position, and methods for recruiting qualified candidates are described. Applicant explains the feasibility of their hiring plan in relation to project timelines

Phase III Review

Funding preferences will be given to jurisdictions that do not have similar and effective models in place; the intent of this FOA is not to provide more funding to programs that are established but to develop more models or test existing models in new places. Funding preferences will also consider geographic diversity and duplication of funding from other FOAs. Funding will be awarded to up to two health department that meets the mortality criteria of 4th quartile state mortality and at least 1,000 total combined Black and/or Hispanic MSM living with diagnosed HIV in the specified MSA or MD.
