Global Health Funding

CDC manages approximately $3.1 billion in United States Government financial investments to improve health globally and to protect the American people from health and security threats that cross international borders. In FY 2016, CDC funding included:

Direct Appropriations

Congressional Appropriations transferred from United States Government Agencies

CDC Key Global Health Resources- FY 2016

CDC Key Global Health Resources- FY 2016 $3,115,821,569
Appropriations $813,696,736
Global HIV/AIDS $128,421,000
Global Immunization $219,000,000
Polio Eradication $169,000,000
Other Global/Measles $50,000,000
Parasitic Disease and Malaria $24,500,000
Global Public Health Protection $55,200,000
Global Disease Detection & Emergency Response $45,400,000
Global Public Health Capacity Development $9,800,000
Global Health Security/Ebola Emergency Supplemental 1 $359,320,441
Global Tuberculosis2 $7,221,959
Influenza 2 $15,857,781
Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Disease2 $4,175,555
Antibiotic Resistance Initiative $2,241,040
Emerging and Zoonotic Core Activities $226,066
Food Safety $238,612
Advance Molecular Detection (AMD) $1,469,837
Transfers $2,136,660,886
PEPFAR $2,125,680,972
Haiti Response $10,979,914
Reimbursable Agreements $152,464,166
Department of Defense $24,956,637
Defense Threat Reduction Agency $24,558,748
Other 397,889
Department of State $2,995,619
Biosecurity Engagement Program $2,995,619
USAID $120,781,112
President’s Malaria Initiative $26,732,663
Infectious Diseases and other non-PMI activities $16,048,449
Zika Response $78,000,000
National Institute of Health $3,647,317
Taskforce for Global Health $83,481
FY 16 Gifts, by program $12,999,782
Center for Global Health $2,735,925
Global HIV/AIDS and TB $39,259
Immunizations $6,738,833
Parasitic Disease and Malaria $1,677,979
Global Health Protection $1,807,786

Reflects allocation for FY16 from the $1.2 billion in five-year GHS/Ebola global resources appropriated in FY 2015

2 Reflects suballocations to the Center for Global Health from other appropriation accounts

  • Page last reviewed: October 10, 2017
  • Page last updated: October 10, 2017
  • Content source:

    Global Health
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